Minor administrative toothache: my outgoing channel for e-mail has been compromised. (Compromised. Sounds so mysterious, yes?) This means that while I can read e-mail I cannot securely send it for the foreseeable future. Those several people who regularly e-mail me: I have received your messages, but private replies will not be forthcoming. My apologies.
Posted on August 4th, 2003 by Zsallia
Filed under: Administrata
A number of people have expressed some concern over this announcement. Let me reassure all of you- the problem is one of perception rather than commission. I became aware of a potential security problem and elected to abandon my out-bound e-mail channel.
E-mail has always been the weak link in this exercise of mine. I am exploring more robust alternatives
The above comment was first posted on 08/05/2003 prior to being re-posted here today.