
Having studiously avoided commentary on world affairs for some time I feel it is proper to weigh in briefly on the situation in the Middle East in general, and Iraq in particular. The current situation in Iraq comes as no surprise to anyone who takes a realistic view of the challenges ahead. While the military […]

The Hanging of Missy Burns

“They gonna’ hang you, Missy Burns!” The pastor looked up from his bible with a pained expression, but I simply smiled. “Give me just a moment, pastor.” I stood and stepped up on to my seat so I could see out the barred window in to the alleyway. There at the end was Timothy, all […]

The Dialogue Continues

Joe continues our dialogue by posing some questions: With the information age, I suspect that assuming a new identity will become more difficult- Indeed. In particular the recent unpleasantness with regards to the reactionary Islamists has made travel more problematic. I am entertaining the possibility of relocating to a less technology-pervasive locale, but I am […]

More Questions

Joe comments again, asking about Comte Saint-Germain, a name I have heard more than once. At the time of his influence I was living in the North American colonies, but I was aware of him. My take on him is that he was a fascinating and eccentric man living in a time and circumstance when […]