
It has been a time of introspection for me these last weeks. I finally returned home from Ann Arbor, having been quite hale and whole for some months, and I have enjoyed the coming of Spring, even as I hold at bay those thoughts and fears plaguing me since my accident in November. It matters […]

Definitive Postings

I have been asked on occaision to list the posts I felt best defined me in general and this site in particular. What follows is merely a list of links that seemed to fulfill that request. There is nothing new here, so feel free to ignore this.


Dale from Weekend Pundit passed this meme to me. I nearly declined to respond, not so much out of reluctance to take part, but because honesty would force me to reveal a fact some might find… ironic. You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? This is fairly difficult to answer […]


From time to time I have been asked what I find amusing. My general response is that the last thing that reliably struck me as funny was The Three Stooges. That said, this did indeed make me chuckle. The Gods Are Pleased.