
I ran across a quiz at Pointy Ears (who for reasons unknown slipped from my blogroll when I restarted this site). I generally dismiss such things for they are quite simplistic; however, given my last topic I found the result amusing in a coincidental way.

Old Habits Die Hard…

I am a creature of habit. By that I mean to say I am one given to dealing with similar situations in similar ways. For some this is a reasonable methodology, yielding adequate results; for others it is a recipe for failure, particularly in the light of Man’s general unwillingness to abandon cherished notions even […]

AD 1345, More Or Less

It was dark and cool, but not cold- spring had finally driven off the worst of the chill and the night air was refreshing, the air wafting over the fields and the barn, redolent with life. The moon had set and at its departure the heavens had opened up in a riotous explosion of color. […]

Purity of Service

Diogenes is both eloquent and poignant. I could not have done more than he has done.


I nearly decided not to comment upon my day of Jury Duty last week, as it was singularly uneventful. I was selected twice and excused twice, once for no apparent reason and the second time following voir dire. All in all it was rather what I had expected it to be. There was minor disappointment […]

The Nature Of Evil

Mark Alger, a regular reader and commenter here of late, has some provocative notions regarding the nature of evil, the proper perspectives required to recognize and confront it, and what is and is not justified in seeing evil defeated. I happen to agree with him up to a point, our differences being subtle, but important. […]