Torture, Virtuous Equivocation and Guy Fawkes
November 6th, 2007Two interesting articles I encountered today that are only tangentially related (They both reference Guy Fawkes):
I’ve wrestled and wrestled with the issue; torture is obviously bad, but what is it about torture that is so expressly bad – why is it worse than the death and suffering that comes in war, or in the daily violence police officers do as a part of their jobs?
In large part, it’s the fact of violence against captives; against the helpless, the unarmed, those incapable of resisting. But that didn’t get to the heart of what cleaves torture as an issue from violence as an issue. And why I – as someone who is decidedly not nonviolent – am so decidedly against and uncomfortable with issues of torture.
I came to an answer, as I usually do, in an unplanned realization while reading a book.
The ensuing article and the comments themselves are well worth your time.
Cross-posted to Dean’s World
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