Archive for January, 2009

PDF Saves The Day!

January 8th, 2009

So, I finally fixed my issues with the novel posts. I had to convert the original Word 2007 documents to PDF and I’m much more pleased with the look, I must say. The Fonts and formatting are better preserved and the whole thing is so much easier to read. So, once again, it’s all right […]

WordPress problems

January 6th, 2009

So, I posted the Novel and then discovered that anything bigger than about 20000 words went to blank grey after that point.  I tried reposting using IE7 instead of Firefox and now everything looks great, sort of, as long as you’re using IE. Anything else and it’s a crap shoot, so if anyone stumbles across […]


January 1st, 2009

I finally finshed the updated epilogue for Methuselah’s Daughter and posted Part Four, along with the Afterword and the Zsallic language glossary (based on proto-indo european and purely the creation of the Reverend Paul Burgess). So, it’s all there. For free, even- I may never get around to massaging it into the right format for […]