Archive for November, 2007

Brainwashing 101 and the Educational STASI

November 8th, 2007

Two institutes of Higher Education have been floating around the periphery of the news lately. Fortunately there are several bloggers paying closer attention. The latest issue has been the University of Delaware’s Student Housing re-education program where the Resident Assistants were trained in having one-on-one meetings with students living in the dorms to discuss living […]

Torture, Virtuous Equivocation and Guy Fawkes

November 6th, 2007

Two interesting articles I encountered today that are      only tangentially related (They both reference Guy Fawkes):  The first is a post from Armed Liberal at Winds of Change discussing his position on torture, opening with the following: I’ve wrestled and wrestled with the issue; torture is obviously bad, but what is it about torture that […]

Patriots (8-0) at Indianapolis (7-0), 4:15 PM EST

November 4th, 2007

I am a football fan. Not one of those fully committed I’ll-dye-myself-red-white-and-blue then cheer on the team in my shorts under the cold November sunshine fans, just a guy who likes to watch the game and likes to watch his team win.  I became a football fan in 1985 when the Patriots staggered their way […]