Archive for September, 2007

Methuselah’s Daughter, Part 2, Chapters 18, 19 & 20

September 9th, 2007

I posted an additional three chapters of the novel at over the past two weeks. Chapters 18 & 19 are in a single post, followed by Chapter 20.  We’re starting to get into the meatier part of the story at this point, where people really come to realize Zsallia is capable of truly monstrous […]

Whine on…

September 9th, 2007

This is starting to get annoying. I need to write- I’ve got so much piling up inside me, but it just doesn’t get out in any meaningful way, so instead I just post novel excerpts and ignore this site and pretend everything’s fine.  In the end it’s really my own fault- I let myself get […]