Archive for June, 2007

Endings- Part One of The Rose

June 1st, 2007

Notes: This was first written a good twenty years ago and has gone through a few iterations since then. The names in it are all from my old D&D and Fantasy Trip ITL days. It was actually supposed to be the opening of a gaming campaign, but by then most of our old gaming crew […]

How this works

June 1st, 2007

The temptation is to dig into the files and start tossing things up- the more, the better, right?  Problem is, a lot of what I have is literally ‘filed away,’ as in typed pages or spiral notebooks full of scribbling sitting in drawers in a filing cabinet. I’ll take one out, look at it, and […]

And here we are…

June 1st, 2007

The beautiful thing about a new blog by an unknown person is you can just do and say what you want for a few months (or maybe forever- it’s always possible that you’re just too damned boring for anyone to bother) until you get a feel for what you want to show to the world. […]

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