Archive for the 'Culture' Category


December 27th, 2008

Saw Valkyrie with Tom Cruise tonight as the better half and I decided we needed a date. I liked the history being portrayed, but was skeptical that Cruise could pull off a decent German officer, particularly since he didn’t even attempt an accent. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn’t bother me at […]

Funniest Christmas Commercial Yet

November 26th, 2008

Tool- Sober

May 23rd, 2008

Just a bit of what’s been reverberating in my skull cavity lately.

Good-bye, Twitter

May 8th, 2008

I tried to like it, honest I did. But Christ, what waste of good bandwidth. I don’t care that much what you’re doing minute-to-minute, honest. Nothing personal, just don’t need to know. I tried filtering out the most prolific of the folks I was following… and if anything that made it worse. Sorry, that much […]

New Amsterdam

March 5th, 2008

So I caught the pilot episode of Fox’s New Amsterdam last night. Obviously a show about an immortal living secretly amongst the general population would pique my curiosity. In particular I was interested to see what similarities might exist between Amsterdam and Zsallia, but I was also keen to spot the differences between them. All […]

Brainwashing 101 and the Educational STASI

November 8th, 2007

Two institutes of Higher Education have been floating around the periphery of the news lately. Fortunately there are several bloggers paying closer attention. The latest issue has been the University of Delaware’s Student Housing re-education program where the Resident Assistants were trained in having one-on-one meetings with students living in the dorms to discuss living […]

Steve, Don’t Eat It!

June 5th, 2007

Somehow this reminds me of the lunch line at Kennedy Jr High way back in the day…

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