Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Windows 10

February 27th, 2015

Yeah, I’ve been gone a while and the only people looking at this site are the frustrated script kiddies trying to hack their way into the admin page. Sometimes I get upwards of 500 alerts in a single day! It’s almost flattering… almost. Anyhow, I’ve been running the Windows 10 Technical Preview on my spare […]

XP is exiting stage left, people. It’s not like you have not been warned…

April 4th, 2014

My response to one of our sales folks when asked to quote hours on upgrading three existing XP boxes to Windows 7: If we are re-installing and can do them all at once, about 4 hours, otherwise probably 2 hours each. In-Place upgrade (which may not be available and should be avoided anyhow) about 12 […]

Social Media is a pain in my butt

March 7th, 2014

I just went through the hassle of deleting my Google+ profile and wiping out all my circles, etc. Facebook is soon to follow. This isn’t a privacy thing- I gave up on that a while ago, no, this is a quality of life issue. On Google+ I was getting people adding me to their circles […]

Sayonara, Facebook!

June 12th, 2013

No more Facebook for me. Seriously, all done. The last time I said this was in response to Facebook’s annoying habit of changing and resetting privacy options- every time they tweaked something they would automatically reset my privacy options to the default (read that as “wide open”). I got over that after about a week […]

Windows 8, the Final, Temporary Review

September 3rd, 2012

I call this “Temporary” because maybe, just maybe something will come along to make Windows 8 a viable Desktop OS. Maybe. Thinking of upgrading to Windows 8? If you are running Windows 7 on a desktop computer or a laptop without a touch screen or sophisticated touch pad then my advice to you is simply […]

Windows 8, End of Round One

August 17th, 2012

The upgrade went pretty good and so long as all I was doing was browsing or playing with the included apps everything was fine. Then I tried running Netflix… Sorry, it doesn’t like my HD audio from my Radeon HD 4670. I tried something simple- Second Life. Sorry, my video drivers are either not installed […]