
Pennsylvania, April, 2005 CE She woke me up the next morning some time after sunrise. She was already dressed and told me if I didn’t shower and come downstairs soon I’d miss breakfast. When I got downstairs she seemed cool, distant. She was making pancakes, eggs, and bacon, puttering around and humming absent-mindedly. She insisted […]


What follows is the recounting of a conversation told not by me, but by my companion. I will admit to finding some of his characterizations mildly irksome. -ZM


There are many things I am grateful for, but I give true thanks for this.

Lessons Apparently Not Learned

Contrary to popular perception, it seems that history rarely repeats itself. Yet humans do repeat the same mistakes. I thought you Americans might have learned an important lesson from the aftermath of your shameless abandonment of the South Vietnamese people in the 1970’s. From the looks of things in the media and in particular this […]

Gabrielle Francesca East

Now for something a little different: I admit to having developed… not quite an obsession, but rather an intimate appreciation for a story very long in the telling about a certain red-headed character with whom I am certain I could lay waste to a perfectly respectable case of Scotch Whiskey. Her name is Gabrielle Francesca […]

What has consumed my time this past year

Just under a year ago, driven by events beyond my control, I took a man into my confidence. This is just a taste of what may come.


Today I am a rational, thinking creature. I was not always thus. Today I understand that weather is driven by physical forces- even if I cannot define them to the extent a meteorologist might I still comprehend those forces are not animate. Those forces have no soul or spirit driving them. And yet… the oldest […]


I have become reticent of late. Circumstances have surrounded me such that my sense of control over events has been frayed nearly to the breaking point and I have embraced notions that would have been anathema to me just one year ago. I have taken not just one, but two men into my confidence, and […]

“Why do you carry a gun?”

“Why do you carry a gun?” he asked. I looked up from my Calamari and rice to watch his face. He was genuinely curious rather than probing, but I knew my preference for being armed sometimes troubled him. In the early, less settled days of our relationship I had startled him, even frightened him with […]


It has been a time of introspection for me these last weeks. I finally returned home from Ann Arbor, having been quite hale and whole for some months, and I have enjoyed the coming of Spring, even as I hold at bay those thoughts and fears plaguing me since my accident in November. It matters […]